Sunday, May 20, 2007

At Sylvan Lake

So i have been down at sylvan lake for 3 days now. Evangel Church has been here to, so i met up with some old friends. Didn't put in the dock cause we are buying a new peir. So it will be easier to join all of them together. My friend cory got in a motorcycle accident. I feel bad for him :( Then there are these girls that are realying anoying. lol, I.E.- Ashley, and cassidy.

Well till later check out.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My New Job

So i have been serching for a job for a while now. I bumped into my uncle albert a while ago, and he runs a farm. Said hey you should come and help me out sometime. So for the past 3 days i went and helped him out. WOW hard work, no lie there. but its fun knowing im helping him. So here is this weeks hours

Tuesday- 8
Wednesday- 10
Thursday- 8

its fun i enjoy it. I have never been so sore in my life. But im going down to the lake this weekend and 2 of my good friends are going. Elyse, and Janelle.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Golf Courses, Score, Rateing, Price

Latest To Oldest

Sherwood Gold Course: $15 for 9 holes, Rough Golf Course, allmost temp greens. Renovating, 11 over par due to really wet conditions, and unexpected wind, and water. 6/10

Fort In View: $20 for 9 holes, Looks nice, just used driving range. 7/10

Brodmore: $22.75 for 9 Holes, Nice course. Difficult if you can't hit straight. 11 over par cause its hard. Really wet, 8/10


ABJ vs. Sal

So I went to an interview/registration with salisbury on thursday. So everything went will, cept they won't let me START my RAP program till 2nd semester Grade 11. Which is stupid so i e-mailed ABJ. Hoping to get into there, cause this girl i sorta likes goes there lol. So waiting to here back.

This Guy Is Retarded